planning a school trip

Initial planning

Have you read and understood the school's and the LEA's policy on school trip procedure?
Cover yourself by following the procedures laid down by the Governors and the LEA for the organisation of school trips.

Are you aware of your legal and moral responsibility as party leader?
Make sure you know what your obligations are when in loco parentis.

Have you visited the resort before?
If not, ask about inspection visits, or contact someone who has been to the location.

Is the company ABTA or AITO bonded?
This will provide financial protection if the company collapses.

Are there any likely Health & Safety related to activities or accommodation?
As part of your risk assessment you need to be aware of these and take appropriate action, including informing parents.

What does the cost of the trip include and exclude?
For example, ski trip prices often only cover the cost two-hour morning lessons, afternoon lessons are extra

Is the trip suitable for all students?
Take account of age, gender and special needs issues.

Which staff will be accompanying you?
Make sure there is an appropriate balance in terms of gender, experience etc. Is there someone with a first- aid certificate?

What are the insurance arrangements, and are they sufficient?
Check this out bearing in mind the activities to be undertaken.

What is the payment schedule?
Provide a savings card and keep a computerised record of payments in and out.

How many students do you need to make the trip viable?
Do not send off deposits until you have a viable number!

Are there any passport/visa implications?
In a multi-cultural school there may be students whose nationality status may affect their ability to travel abroad.

Implementing the plans: write to parents including the following information:

Set up a parents' information evening
This should be nearer to the time of departure

Have regular team meetings and ensure all staff are consulted about arrangements
Team work and leadership are vital ingredients to a successful trip

Regularly update your risk assessment relating to individual students' needs
Meet with relevant staff and parents if you are concerned about an individual student's needs. For example, an additional member of staff might be needed to assist with a student who is disabled or has particular behavioural difficulties.

During the trip

As party leader, you have the ultimate responsibility in loco parentis. Be aware of this responsibility and what it means. Helpful guidance can be obtained from teacher unions, the DfES and other bodies.

In particular, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) provides a comprehensive guidance booklet. This can be ordered from ATL or accessed on the Internet at